Monday, February 25, 2008

A-Blogging, A-Blogging

Welcome to "Along This Pilgrim's Journey..." This is a Pastor's Blog, which I will use to provide mid-week updates on upcoming worship services, Bible Study, church news, and other hopefully interesting information.


What's a Blog? A Blog, which is a shortened version of web-log, is sort of a public Internet diary or newspaper. It is an easy way of posting information to share with others. All of the entries are automatically archived (you can access previous entries on the side of the page, sorted by date). Each blog is a unique website, with a specific Internet address.

What should I expect? I hope to provide updates on this blog on a regular basis -- some will be announcements of upcoming events at the church, some will be personal reflections based on my activities, some will just be other things I think people might find interesting. These updates should occur at least once per week, but probably more often than that.

Does the pastor expect me to read his blog? No. This is not homework. You will not be tested. You will not be barred from worship services or Bible Study for failing to read this blog. BUT, this is another way to increase communication throughout the congregation, especially with the pastor. So you might just want to read it.

Anything else I should know? You can talk back. At the end of each entry, there is a link where you can post a comment. There is also a link where you can view "comments" that others have made. If you wish to make a private comment to the pastor, you should NOT use this site to do so. But you may use this site to have a public discussion, with the pastor and others (and discussion is a healthy thing for the church). You may post anonymous comments, but I hope you choose not to do so. [By the way, since this is a public site and a site specifically for a church, I will moderate comments, which means that I will ensure that no inappropriate comments appear.]


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