Thursday, December 18, 2008

2008 Special Christmas Offering

Last week and this week we collect the Christmas Special Offering, one of six special offerings sponsored each year by the general church. This offering goes to support the work of the regional church, in our case the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in West Virginia.

It is difficult to understate the importance of the work of the regional church. They sponsor workshops and retreats for all ages and parts of the church (youth, women, men, elders, others). They facilitate training and support for congregational leaders and pastors. They assist congregations through transitional times and through times of conflict or other severe challenges.

Can a church get by without such things? I suppose so. But then again, I also suppose that a church can get by without a large building or without a pastor. The question is not one of necessity, but one of choice. How do we choose to be the church? What resources allow us to share the gospel with each other (and others yet) best? In my opinion, the regional church allows congregations to live out the gospel and their ministries more fully; as such, I think they deserve our support (financial and otherwise).

Here is a video produced by the Office of Communication in Indianapolis (I met the person who does this work in September -- she's on the ball. Not only is the office producing better videos under her watch, but they're using technology better. Not only did we receive a DVD of this to show, but they put the video on YouTube. Yes, Virginia, old dogs can learn new tricks. But I digress.)

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