Friday, April 16, 2010

Coming Up Sunday, April 18

This Sunday, we continue our "Faith Smart" series, which approaches living out our faith through the lens of the Holiday Inn Express "Stay Smart" ad campaign of recent years. My question: If staying at a Holiday Inn Express can make you smarter, what can being a Christian make you?

This week, we begin with a funny commercial about would-be rock stars:

A bunch of middle age fakers turning into a hugely popular rock band is amusing fantasy, especially when the promoter calls it "possibly the best rock and roll show I've ever seen." But underlying the fantasy is a very real truth -- unless we actually try to do something, we have no idea how good we'll be at it.

The same is true with various aspects of our faith. Until we stretch our wings and actually try to do certain things, we'll never know how good (or not so good) we are at them. It was certainly true of the great prophet and leader Moses, who after the parting of the Red Sea becomes something that little in his life suggested he'd be good at: a supreme judge. But as is clear from Exodus 18, his judgments were sought out in such numbers that he had to create a judicial system for the Hebrews in the desert.

On Sunday, we'll imagine how we must sometimes fake it as "Religious Imposters," until we make it as examples of faith.


John said...

I love the idea of this series. Are you actually showing the commercials during worship? Brilliant!

Joshua Patty said...

Glad you like the idea, it came to me while I was working on something else a few weeks ago.

I'm playing audio of the commercials -- it's too big of a problem to set up the equipment for just 30 seconds. I set the scene and then we play the audio.

I was really pleased with last week's sermon, and I have high hopes for tomorrow. We shall see.