Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Resurrection in Scripture

A couple of weeks ago, I stumbled by asking about resurrections in the Bible -- or stories of presumed resurrections, in the case of Herod believing that Jesus was John the Baptist -- and then discovering that there were several more than I remembered. While doing some reading today, I came across a list of resurrections in the Scriptures.

The list is as follows:
  • the son of the widow of Zarephath by Elijah
  • the son of the Shunammite woman by Elisha
  • a corpse thrown into Elisha's grave by Elisha (technically, by Elisha's own corpse)
  • Lazarus by Jesus
  • the daughter of Jairus by Jesus
  • the son of the widow of Nain by Jesus
  • Dorcas, also called Tabitha, by Peter
  • Eutychus by Paul
Plus the biggest of them all, Jesus' own resurrection. Which is more than I remembered, and may be more than you remembered too. Even minister's fail pop-quizzes from time to time. It's embarrassing, though, if it's the minister's own pop-quiz.


Roger D. Curry said...

Four resurrections in the secular world that very quickly come to mind are Nixon in 68, Gavin McLeod in The Love Boat, Martha Stewart (by P. Diddy) and George Bush (remotely by the guy who said to Michael Dukakis, "Hey, wanna ride in a tank?")


Joshua Patty said...

They resurrected Murray?