Sunday, December 19, 2010

Please Take a Few Minutes to Share Your Thoughts...

We are still collecting responses with our Year-End Congregational Survey. If you have not already done so, please take a few minutes to complete the online survey, found here.

Some Q and A about the survey:

Why take a survey? We're a congregation where everyone knows everyone else.

A survey is never a substitute for face-to-face conversation. However, a survey allows people to give their ideas and opinions on a wide range of issues fairly quickly. Then the range of thoughts and comments can be looked at together.

Why should I take the survey? Everyone already knows what I think.

Probably not. I'm the pastor, and I'm confident that I don't know exactly what everyone else thinks. We do know each other pretty well, but most of us guard some of our opinions and hopes pretty tightly.

Plus, you may have shared your thoughts with a few people or at a meeting. But 1) not everyone was there for the conversation and 2) we are all forgetful. Sharing your thoughts again cannot hurt.

The survey seems a little long, with lots of ratings. I'm uncomfortable with that.

The last congregations survey was taken two years ago. Six general questions were asked, only one of which was a simple "Yes" or "No"; all of them asked basically for comments. Many people gladly shared their ideas, but some found the survey difficult to take. Some people find surveys with boxes to check much easier to complete than surveys asking for comments.

This survey is an attempt to allow more people to be able to fill it out. There are both circles to check and space for comments. If you are more comfortable with one style or the other, put most of your effort on those parts of the questions.

How will the survey be used?

The results of the survey will be discussed with the Church Cabinet, which is basically all of the elected officers (board officers, elders, diaconate, trustees), committee chairs, and the pastor.

The ratings section will be used primarily to offer an idea of whether the congregation should continue doing what it's been doing, or reevaluate some things. It will also allow a glimpse of how important some aspects of congregational life are to people.

The comments/responses to the questions will be used to guide discussions about what ministries the congregation should focus on in the year 2011.

How can I be most helpful?

Take the time to fill the survey out. Be honest. If you really like something or think it's a really good idea, make sure you share that. If you're worried or frustrated about something, please share that. A congregation is at most vibrant when it is a group of people doing things that everyone feels are important and that everyone feels excited to participate in.

Last time there were 15 responses to the survey. That was good, but I believe we can get an even better participation rate this time.

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