Friday, August 5, 2011

Summer Blockbuster Sermon Series: "Cars 2"

This week, we turn our attention to the latest movie from Pixar, "Cars 2."  In this light-hearted family film, Lightning McQueen takes his racing talents onto the world stage, bringing along his trusted -- and a bit rusted -- tow truck friend Tow Mater.  The racing turns out to be secondary in this story after British intelligence agents believe that Mater is an American spy.

The movie includes some rather beautiful animated renderings of world cities, including Tokyo and London.  Given the international theme, I thought we would look at Psalm 137, which includes the great Hebrew lament from the time of the exile: "How can we worship the Lord in a foreign land?"  This scripture, and this movie, again ask us to consider how we maintain and develop our relationships when the context in which we find ourselves changes.

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