Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October 28 Worship: "He Went Thataway"

Our worship on Sunday morning was filled with good spirit -- likely because it was such a bright, beautiful Fall morning.  We continued our celebration of Month of the Ministry by focusing on our "named" ministers, Renee, Chuck, and yours truly, and then we went into our annual congregational meeting, handling the important responsibilities of electing new officers and approving the 2013 budget.

I also began our four week series, "Jonah: Lone Wolf Prophet of God."  As I said, more than once, I believe that we can learn a lot from Jonah because his reaction to God's leading is similar to how we sometimes react to God -- with reluctance, fear, or the impulse to flee.  The story of Jonah is a story that highlights missed opportunities, and I hope we keep that in mind and imagine how we can avoid missing opportunities in our own lives of faith.

If you missed Sunday's sermon, if you'd like to listen to it again, or if you'd like to share it with someone else, you can find an audio recording here.

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