Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December 2 Worship: "You Can't Go Home Again"

We entered into the Advent season on Sunday, greeted by a beautifully decorated sanctuary.  We marked the season by lighting the first candle on the Advent wreath.  And the Bell Choir played several selections throughout the service, brightening the mood.

The sermon was the first in the Advent and Christmas series, "Looking for Home: Faith in the Holiday Season."  Considering one of Jesus' most famous statements about home, during his underwhelming return to his hometown, we looked at why some people feel uncomfortable during the holidays in "You Can't Go Home Again."  Sometimes our expectations are too closely joined to the past, and we don't see people as they are today, which means that we often miss out on the gifts that people can offer today by only seeing them as they were long ago.

If you missed Sunday's sermon, if you'd like to listen to it again, or if you'd like to share it with someone, you can listen to an audio recording here.

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