Wednesday, June 5, 2013

June 2 Worship: "Church Buildings"

On Sunday, we gathered for a rather emotional worship service.  There were many prayer requests for healing and other serious needs among our extended families, in addition to other larger needs in the wake of recent tornadoes and flooding.

We also began our sermon series for June and July, "Faith and Devotion: Lessons from the Church in Acts." Drawing on the first two chapters, especially the period immediately leading up to the day of Pentecost where the disciples were together and then were touched by the Holy Spirit and went out to share the Gospel, we considered the question: What does a church look like?  In "Church Buildings" we focused on these two lessons as key aspects of the church -- at times coming together in one place and at other times going out in smaller groups to reach out, serve others, and share the good news about Jesus Christ.

If you missed Sunday's sermon, if you'd like to listen to it again, or if you would like to share it with others, you can find an audio recording here.

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