Saturday, October 12, 2013

Prayer for Mission in Haiti

This week we pray for our missionaries to Haiti, Diane and Tim Fonderlin, Bethany Guy, and Sandra Gourdet, who all serve in various capacities with CONASPEH, the National Spiritual Council of Haitian Churches.

You can read more about the mission to Haiti here, written by Jeanette Salley, who recently completed her service in Haiti and is now serving elsewhere in the Caribbean.

As you may know, I recently traveled to Haiti, where I met with many of our mission partners and spent time at CONASPEH.  They are working hard to create a network of churches dedicated to working together on key things, particularly in education (of youth, nurses, and pastors) and in empowering efforts to nurture health care and microbusiness development.  To say that the situation in Haiti is challenging is an understatement, but we are fortunate for those who serve on our behalf there every day, helping to make small but meaningful changes.  Only through an abundance of such incremental improvements will Haiti develop into an economically and politically stronger nation.

There are Christian missionaries serving on our behalf in many countries around the world.  Each week, Global Missions highlights the work in one of these countries and asks the wider church to pray for its continued vitality in spreading the Gospel.

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