Tuesday, July 15, 2014

July 13 Worship: "Let Us Not Fall Asleep as Others"

Frankly, I'm still a little overwhelmed by Sunday's worship service, especially the sermon, which was meaningful as I prepared it, as I preached it, and as I listened to it again.  The Holy Spirit was at work in our midst, and the hand of God was noticeable.

We continued our study of Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians by considering the issue of death and salvation.  After briefly exploring Paul's response to the Christians worried that those who died before Christ's return might miss out on heaven, we considered the type of salvation that Paul describes.  We considered the types of lives that God made us for, how we glimpse them today before living them fully in heaven.

If you missed Sunday's sermon, if you'd like to listen to it again, or if you'd like to share it with others, you can find an audio recording here.

You can also listen to the related communion meditation and the closing benediction.

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