Tuesday, October 7, 2014

October 5 Worship - "Numbers - The Complaint Department"

We celebrated World Communion Sunday at Eastgate over the weekend, joining with other congregations around the world in gathering at the Lord's Table and celebrating the wideness of Christian expression and influence throughout the world.  Also, Rev. Sara Wilcox was visiting with us this weekend, and it was exciting for her to serve at the communion table as part of this celebration (which gave me the happy excuse to sing during communion too).  We also began our month-long celebration of ministry by publicly thanking the elders, deacons, and leaders of the Disciples Women for their service this year.

In the sermon, we continued our journey along Godsway 66, exploring the book of Numbers.  This book, which details a complete census of the tribes of Israel, also offers insight into a time of frustration for the Hebrews while they are still in the wilderness, waiting to enter the Promised Land.  In particular, the group complains about the lack of food -- only manna to eat, nothing else -- and even imagines it would be worth being slaves in Egypt again, just for some other food to eat.

I suggested that these were the teenage years for the Israelites, when they were experiencing some growing pains.  In particular, I said that while their frustrations were valid, they still had things to learn -- or unlearn -- before they would be ready to claim the Promised Land.  They had to stop thinking of themselves as slaves, and they needed to learn how to live together freely and peacefully.  This can make us wonder what we might have to learn in times when we just seem to be waiting anxiously for the next thing in our lives.

If you missed Sunday's sermon, if you'd like to listen to it again, or if you'd like to share it with others, you can find an audio recording here.

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