Tuesday, December 16, 2014

December 14 Worship - "2 Kings - The Decline and Fall of the House of David"

On Sunday, we gathered for a beautiful Advent service on a warm and cloudy December morning.  We also continued our journey along Godsway 66, focusing on the final years of the Jewish monarchy described in 2 Kings.  While this is a book filled with examples of the kings and leaders consistently disappointing God and demonstrating repeated faithlessness, there are a couple of examples of faithful leadership.

In particular, I focused on the reforms instituted by King Josiah in the southern kingdom of Judah.  He banished all worship of false gods from the kingdom and commanded that Passover be celebrated for the first time in centuries.  These actions were not enough to stop the ultimate conquest of Judah by the Babylonian empire, but they laid the groundwork for the survival of Jewish faith even after the kingdom's demise by emphasizing study of the holy writings and keeping specific religious festivals.  These have been the hallmark of faith for 2500 years since, and through Jesus are key pieces of our faith too.

If you missed Sunday's sermon, if you'd like to listen to it again, or if you'd like to share it with others, you can find an audio recording here.

You can also listen to the Communion meditation and the closing benediction.

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