Saturday, January 17, 2015

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Tomorrow, many congregations will join together and participate in a Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.  This annual observance, sponsored by the World Council of Churches and several Protestant, Orthodox, and Catholic communions, invites Christians around the world to explicitly pray for the divisions and separation in the wider church to be healed.  This week, at least in the northern hemisphere, occurs from January 18 through January 25 (the feast days of St. Peter and St. Paul, respectively).

This year's theme, "Jesus said to her: Give me to drink" is drawn from John 4, where Jesus asks a Samaritan woman drawing water from a well to give him a drink.  An ecumenical group of Christian leaders in Brazil have prepared this year's resources for the 2015 week of prayer, complete with devotional materials for the week.  Click here to download a .pdf copy of these materials -- note, the devotional resources begin begin on page 21.

I hope that you will take this opportunity to join with Christians around the world in praying for unity in Christ's church.  We will have a couple of special moments in worship on Sunday as part of this week of prayer.

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