Wednesday, August 5, 2015

This Week's "Summer Blockbuster" Sermon

On Sunday, I will continue this year's "Summer Blockbuster Sermon Series" by considering theological lessons in Aloha.  This is a flop -- a movie from a well-known writer-director, Cameron Crowe (who wrote and directed Jerry Maguire) with an all-star cast that has fallen flat at the box office.

This, sadly, is deserved.  The movie is a mess.  It feels like it was a 3 hour movie that has been drastically edited into the released form.  Often scenes appear from nowhere and make little sense.  (On the other hand, the movie is extremely well-acted, so it's not a total loss.  Just a mess.)

Still, the theme of secrets, which undergirds the movie, offers an interesting way to consider the way that secrets are presented in the Bible, particularly in the life of Jesus.  You can catch a glimpse of this (at least in the form of a love triangle) in the official movie trailer for Aloha:

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