Monday, February 25, 2008

Sunday Worship, February 24, Reflections

On the whole, I've been pleased with worship thus far. I find that I'm still trying to internalize the order of the worship service, which means that I have to consistently remind myself to see what's coming next in the service, but this will get better.

I was mostly satisfied with the sermon. Frankly, I'm the wrong person to ask about how I feel about a given sermon. Per usual, listening to it, I would have added a couple of brief things (mostly emphasizing comparisons I was making).

But I was thrilled to see the response of people willing to help with our Holy Week worship services. I am being ambitious with our Holy Week calendar, but I think that it is important for us, as Christians, to live through Holy Week. It's not very helpful to go straight from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday because we tend to minimize the significant things that happened in between. This takes time and effort, but I think that those who participate will find it spiritually meaningful. And I'm just so glad that so many of you are willing to participate in this.


Anonymous said...

In the "For what it's worth" column, the order of the worship service isn't set in stone so if you forget where it all falls, that's OK. Maybe you can find a better order that will suit us all. And just maybe we need to be shaken up a bit! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

I think things are going very well so far too. I look forward to every Sunday service. I am sorry I missed this past Sunday as I was still in Nashville. Glad to hear you are getting good responses to the Holy Week services. This church is full of good people and I am glad to see that you are experiencing that. Excited about this blog and plan to check it often for updates.