Saturday, February 6, 2010

No Worship Service on February 7

Due to the winter storm, and the lack of power currently in the church, there will be no worship service on Sunday, February 7. Enjoy a few moments of prayer, and then a nice leisurely breakfast with your family before you try to dig out.


Roger D. Curry said...

And this will give us all an opportunity to pray for the Super Bowl. In accordance with what I know is the preference of Pastor Josh, I am on my knees praying for the victory of the Saints. Josh no doubt favors them due to their religeously themed name and due to the whole honor-your-father thing re Archie Manning.


Roger D. Curry said...


Joshua Patty said...

Yeah, well, what are you going to do? At least the Saints aren't evil (unlike certain other teams which shall not be named).