Friday, May 21, 2010

Coming Up Sunday, May 23

Sunday, we will celebrate Pentecost, which is the celebration of the entry of the Holy Spirit into this world and, through it, the birth of the Christian Church. Pentecost, the 50th day after Easter, has long been the date of this celebration, coming sometime shortly after Jesus' post-resurrection ascension into heaven -- this is the timeline found in the first two chapters of Acts.

Red is the color of the Holy Spirit, so everyone is encouraged to wear red as part of our celebration this Sunday. There will be some fun touches during the service, including a modern-day version of the long-ago Day of Pentecost which you'll have to see and hear to believe.

During the sermon, we'll focus on Peter's great sermon delivered on the Day of Pentecost, particularly the final section of it where he compares Jesus to David. Titled "Eyewitness Testimony," the message will reflect on the odd, and yet spiritually brilliant, newness that Christianity represented for the faithful -- then and now.

After the service, we'll have a brief reception to celebrate the birthday of the church. It should be a joyful, SPIRIT-filled, day.


John Vest said...

Dare I ask what your modern day version of Pentecost was?

Joshua Patty said...


Everyone read part of the scripture lesson aloud and together at the same time. I don't know if it was a helpful activity or not.