Tuesday, March 13, 2012

March 11 Worship: "Lost Covenant: The Curse of Those Left Behind"

On Sunday, we continued our Lenten journey.  If our day began slowly, as many of us were tired from one hour less of sleep due to Daylight Savings and it was a dreary morning, I think as worship progressed we felt energized by the presence of God.

We continued our "Curses" sermon series, looking this week at the curse God placed on those Jews who were not taken into exile by the Babylonians.  In "Lost Covenant: The Curse of Those Left Behind" we considered an unexpected revelation that God sometimes makes when steadfastness turns to something less than faithfulness.  In essence, frustrated by stubbornness and reverence for the Holy, God looks for ways to start over.  In the sermon, we considered ways in which God might train us to be better Christians without completely rebuilding us from scratch, focusing on a comparison to improving a golf swing that I think is a helpful metaphor.

If you missed the sermon, if you'd like to listen to it again, or if you'd like to share it with someone else, you can listen to an audio recording here.

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