Friday, June 1, 2012

Coming Up Sunday, June 3

Although the astronomers will differ, I tend to follow the cultural practice of summer lasting from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend, at least when planning worship.  I've gotten in the habit of offering two sermon series each summer, designed so that people can miss a Sunday or two because of vacations or other such summertime activities without feeling they are entirely lost.

The first sermon series this year is about Abraham, drawn from the extensive stories about the patriarch in the book of Genesis.  For five weeks, we will explore different aspects of Abraham's life and faith.  While Christians recognize that God is often described as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, I feel that most people today have little familiarity or understanding of these faith ancestors.  By exploring God's relationship with these patriarchs, we can better understand our own relationships with God.

This Sunday, we will turn our attention to the covenant that God makes with Abraham: if Abraham is faithful to the one God, he will be blessed as the father of many nations.  In order to enter into this covenant, Abraham must move his household to a completely new place toward which God directs him, where he will be a foreigner.  He also must trust that God will somehow grant him male heirs, despite his and his wife's advanced ages beyond childbearing years.  In "Covenant: The Promise of Abraham's Faith," we'll consider how God offers this to Abraham, and how Abraham accepts.

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