Saturday, June 30, 2012

Prayer for Mission in Nicaragua

This week we pray for Laura Jean Torgerson and Tim Donaghy, our missionaries to Nicaragua.  Both serve the Christian Mission Church in Nicaragua in many ways and are teachers at the Inter-Church Center for Theological and Social Studies.

You can read more about the mission to Nicaragua here, including the story of the power of shared worship in the life of this faith community.  If you want to know more about the missionaries, you can ask me -- I went to school with Laura Jean (she also is an ordained Disciples minister) and met Tim while they were dating.  The short description is this: they are wonderful people who are kind, smart, good-humored, curious, and loving -- in other words, just the sort of compassionate, thoughtful, and faithful people we should send as missionaries.  There are also the kind of people that other people love to be around.

There are Christian missionaries serving around the world on our behalf in 70 countries.  Each week, Global Missions highlights one of these missions and asks the church to pray for its continued vitality in spreading the gospel.

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