Friday, February 22, 2013

Coming Up Sunday, February 24

As we dig out from this week's snowstorm, Sunday worship may not be the most important thing on our minds.  I hope that people are being careful as they shovel walks and driveways -- such work, especially with a heavy snow, is much more strenuous than most people realize.  After that, there will likely be errands to run, or simply a desire to "get out of the house."

Hopefully, many of us will gather for worship on Sunday, which is a good reason to get out of the house.  As we continue the Lenten season, we will journey on with the Hebrews in the wilderness.  After confronting their fears and unhelpful rationalizations last week, the Israelites face an internal challenge.  How will they govern and lead themselves?  Who will choose these leaders?  There are hints of this problem at the Red Sea, where certain people doubt Moses, but it really becomes an issue soon after.  Moses' father-in-law visits the exodus people, only to discover that Moses is spending all day, every day, judging all types of disputes that have arisen in the wilderness.  And, as the sermon will show, "What Jethro Saw Was Not Good."

This period of self-reflection before Easter allows us the chance, like Moses, to reflect on how we spend our days and where our focus lies.  We may discover, with God's help, that we are using too much energy on the wrong things -- it's certainly easy to do.

I hope that you have been safe these winter days, and I hope, if you can safely, that you will dig out and worship at Eastgate on Sunday morning.

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