Wednesday, April 30, 2008

2008 Pentecost Special Offering

Each year, the Pentecost special offering, which is collected by the Disciples Mission Fund, goes entirely to support new churches which have been established in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). This year's theme, "Share the Chalice," is intended to remind all of us that when we reach out and share some of our resources, we share love and hope with these Christians determined to establish new churches in their communities.

I have classmates and friends who are involved in such new churches. It is a challenge to try to establish a new church -- it takes investments of time, effort, and money; it takes an enormous spirit of dedication and long-sufferingness; it takes a willingness to listen, both to the spirit of God and the people of the community in which the congregation might be established. These pastors and members are doing exciting new things -- experimenting with different leadership styles and structures, imagining different worship locations and schedules.

On the whole, this newness is a very good thing for the church. As with all things, sometimes newness is a cover for brokenness that we choose not to name and not to deal with directly. (There is certainly some of this in our New Church Ministry.) But it is also good to see the gospel lived out in new ways, in new situations, and in places where no one can stake the claim "But we've never done it that way before."

Click here to read some more about the 2008 Pentecost offering.

Click here to visit the website describing the New Church Ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

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