Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Reflections on Worship, April 20

I have few words to describe my emotions about this Sunday's service. My heart is full -- full of joy, full of the spirit of love, full of gratitude, full of hope. It would be wrong of me to wait until I find the perfect words; by the time they come, I'm sure they'll be others things to write about. So I'll try.

I was surprised by the effort surrounding the weekend. There were groups of people who worked outside the church building to clear brush, and landscape, and plant new flowers. I guess I should have had an inkling of the effort going on behind the scenes (and slightly outside of my earshot) from that.

And then I heard that there would be a reception after the service. I guess I imagined that it would be a small affair. But then I heard that Randy was doing extra work preparing the multi-purpose room. And then I heard about some of the food preparation. Saturday night I was showing some of the visitors around the building (knowing I probably wouldn't have time on Sunday). When we reached the multi-purpose room I was speechless to see its transformation, and I was quite moved.

It was an exciting and busy weekend for me with so many people visiting from out of town. I was able to spend a great deal of time with John and with Howard and Doris, which was wonderful. And it was wonderful to see Doris and Sandy and Jenny. I am so glad that you were able to meet all of them and that they were able to meet you. (FYI: I know that the church in Country Club Hills will receive a full report from various sources.)

I have heard and received many wonderful comments about the service. Many of you have shared that you thought it was wonderful -- one of you said, "I can't imagine how it could have been any better." I agree -- it was a powerful service for me too. The music was wonderful, and yes, I was happy to share in that. Just now I've listened to the sermon again, and I think it was fitting and solid. I was thrilled with Thad's contribution -- his kind words and presence.

Mostly, I was thrilled with you and for you. It was a celebration of our shared hopes and dreams. It was a reaffirmation of our intention to work together in Christ's name. It was a reaffirmation of our many gifts (not just mine, but all of our gifts). It was a chance to celebrate together, to welcome friends, to fellowship together, to worship together.

I'm sure I'm leaving out many things. To end, I would simply offer my thanks for your efforts. I know that there will be other thanks given in the newsletter and in worship next Sunday, but I want to add mine here. Thank you to all those who worked so hard to make it a special day for me, and for our guests, and for all of us. It was beautiful.

1 comment:

Roger D. Curry said...

My dad (an extraordinarily Godly fellow, unlike his youngest child) talked about people being "a good fit" for one another.

In that vein, you're a good fit, Josh.
