Sunday, April 5, 2009

Daily Prayer

Our daily blog feature, "The Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How of Prayer," has come to an end.  To continue, you are encouraged to prayer the Daily Office in the morning and evening this week.  Holy Week is an excellent time to pray the office: it is not only the holiest of weeks, but the scriptures used this week have been used in daily prayers during Holy Week for centuries.

There are many resources to help you pray the Daily Office, including complete information in The Book of Common Prayer, if you happen to have that on your shelf.  The challenge, if you've never prayed the Daily Office, is that most books include all of the pieces that you may use in your daily prayers, which can be hard to follow.  This information can also be found on numerous websites.

I have located a website that simply publishes the Office for each specific day, complete with the included scripture readings for each date, which is a much easier way to begin.  You can find the morning and evening prayers (distinguished by a little sun or a little moon, respectively on each date) for each day at this site.  I encourage you to try these prayers this week.

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