Friday, April 3, 2009

The What of Prayer: Mission

Christ, through his teaching, gave us many things to do in his name.  We are to teach about him, making disciples of all nations.  We are to feed the poor, house the homeless, tend to the sick, comfort the oppressed.  We are to reach out to one another in love.

It is a tall order, and it probably overwhelms each of us.  Sometimes we get discouraged, convinced that we cannot possibly do all of these things.  And we do less and less; certainly we do less than we otherwise could.

How rarely do we pray for encouragement and the means to serve others in Christ's name?  We pray for the poor, but do we pray that we discover ways we can reach out to the poor?  We pray for the sick, but do we pray that we may become a healing presence in their lives?  We pray God's love on all people, but do we pray that we may become a visible part of God's love for others?

Today's Prayer Prompt: Ask God to use you to reach out to others in your prayer today.  Ask for encouragement and perseverance in your service.


Roger D. Curry said...

By the Great Cosmic Horned Toad, Josh, this one makes a powerful point that even sears through my militant heresy and aggressive evasion: "Lord, show me how to HELP," rather than "Lord, help those poor souls but do it in a way that I'm not inconvenienced and P.S. I'd like that hot blond to hit on me if you're not too busy."

A good thing to pursue following this Holy Week journey.


P.S. - Is the Great Cosmic Horned Toad someone/thing you can work into Sunday's sermon?

Joshua Patty said...


Glad you liked the post. I thought it was a good way to end the blog series on prayer, and it's certainly something I pray for/need to pray for often.

Don't know if the Great Cosmic Horned Toad will show up in Sunday's sermon -- it is Palm Sunday after all. But there's nothing to stop you from mentioning it/him (or It/Him, if you prefer).