Friday, August 7, 2009

Birdies, Birdies Everywhere -- Tweet, Tweet

A funny little story about the frequency of people posting to Twitter from the General Assembly, including Sharon Watkins, the General Minister and President.

I don't tweet. I have no interest in tweeting. I also have no interest in downloading an application so that you can track my location (via GPS on my cell phone) at all hours. But some people are using such things in their ministry. Makes you think.

1 comment:

Roger D. Curry said...

Maybe the GPS thing could be done subcutaneously, along with, say, some sort of identification or mark of some sort that proves that you're on the right side of things. Something numerical? Then we could all know where everybody else was at all times. It would be a great way to control commerce. Hey, I wonder if the Bible talks about a system like this? This is a real inspiration, and I feel I'm being led into an inspirational leadership position pushing such a thing. Is this a fulfillment of prophecy?
