Friday, August 14, 2009

Coming Up Sunday, August 16

The second film in our "Summer Blockbuster Sermon Series" is the Pixar/Disney computer animated "Up." This film, which tells the story of an elderly widower who goes on a quest to fulfill his late wife's dream, is an unexpected buddy picture, featuring a relationship between the old man and a young Asian boy scout. Here's the trailer:

On Sunday, we will consider some Biblical "up" stories, including the most famous one, the Transfiguration (found in Luke 9). These stories, like the movie "Up," are a special kind of personal journey stories, in which characters go up mountains in order to receive revelations or learn something about themselves.

In the Luke story, the revelation is for Jesus' disciples, rather than Jesus. Jesus is raised off the ground and joined mid-air by Elijah and Moses. And just in case the disciples misunderstand the meaning, the voice of God speaks to them, identifying Jesus as God's son.

We will talk a little about the opportunities we have to receive these epiphanies from God, about our own trips to the mountaintop.


Roger D. Curry said...

Does the journey require that the body move? Must it be observable by others? Aren't there journeys to very bad places that have very bad consequences? (A touch of S&G: "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement halls.")

In other words, this is a fascinating topic, and I genuinely look forward to hearing about it. (I doubt that the foregoing questions will be answered in the sermon, but you can count on an abuscade featuring thos questions in the Fullness of Time.) No pressure - just a room full of anxious brethren (& sisteren?) in Christ who are counting on you and you alone to lead them/us to enlightenment and without whom we'll be stuck in heathen ignorance and lose our immortal souls. No pressure. Really.

Awaiting his last chance for salvation,

Joshua Patty said...


This is a little creepy. I was just thinking about those questions, especially the third one. So they might come up on Sunday. Don't know yet (and might not know until during the sermon).
