Friday, October 2, 2009

Coming Up Sunday, October 4

We will begin our celebration of "The Month of the Ministry" by celebrating the ministry of worship at Central Christian. We will recognize and thank those who have led us in worship over the past year.

We will celebrate World Communion Sunday along with countless other churches around the world. As much as our theology and practices, as well as geography, separate the members of the church universal, we are still called to be one in Christ, members of one body with Christ as the head. This day we covenant with other churches to celebrate communion as a reminder of our hope, and God's desire, that we will all one day truly be one in Christ.

And as mentioned earlier this week, we will remember one of our founding theologians, Thomas Campbell, who sought a way to find unity among Christians divided. Jesus famously prayed for his followers in John 17 that "they all might become one." Campbell wondered if our greatest sin as Christians might be the innumerable obstacles we have put in the way of that goal.

The sermon is entitled "One," and it will talk about all of these things, emphasizing one church, one Christ, one God. The scripture is taken from Isaiah 57 (one of the passages Campbell cited in his "Declaration and Address"). The central focus will be this: What one thing is the point of worship?

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