Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Bible Study update - An Apocalyptic Age?

During our evening Bible Study last week, I mentioned the Apocalyptic expectations of 1st Century Christians, who believed that Jesus' return was imminent -- part of a larger cultural, especially Jewish, expectation of the quickly approaching end of the world. I also suggested that I did not think we lived in a particularly apocalyptic age (I would date the most recent such age to the late 1700s to the mid-1800s).

As will happen when I offer such opinions, there was some disagreement. Here is a blog entry posted by Roger Curry last week on his blog (the first part of which is most relevant). Let the discussion continue!

1 comment:

Roger D. Curry said...

My blog is always open - although often blunt or outrageous, and all are welcome.
The blog-universe is helping to return discourse in America to a two-way street, where those without huge bucks to buy a TV station can communicate with the community.