Monday, March 10, 2008

Reflections on Worship, March 9

I don't have many thoughts about worship yesterday. Again I was pleasantly surprised by the attendance yesterday, despite the less than excellent roads. And I was surprised that people seemed awake, given Daylight Savings Time.

For my part, I was not entirely awake. It probably is not much of a secret that your pastor is not a morning person. So the loss of the hour of sleep was not entirely helpful for me. It was especially obvious in the sermon (at least to me), which made it longer than anticipated. I try to be moved by the spirit, but preaching without notes requires a certain amount of discipline, which was hindered by my drowsiness. I hope it wasn't overly noticeable.

Otherwise, it was a pleasant Sunday -- the metaphorical calm before the storm which is Holy Week. Preparations for those upcoming services continue. I hope you are looking forward to them (in a spiritually appropriate way, of course -- it's not Christmas); I am.

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