Saturday, March 7, 2009

Coming Up Sunday, March 8

I'm back from Washington DC and playing catch up. It was a good trip, and I enjoyed the Lincoln symposium and excellent related exhibit at the Library of Congress.

A reminder to set your clocks ahead for Daylight Savings Time, which begins on Sunday.

This Sunday our Lenten series on prayer continues. We will explore our need to be open and honest with God when we pray. We will consider the story of Cain and Abel, found in Genesis 4, which is helpful in thinking about our openness to God. This story suggests several things. First, it is foolish to think we can hide things from God. Second, we often feel separated from God, but that emotion is usually self-inflicted. Third, it reminds us that we sometimes feel unjustly judged by God, and we don't know how to handle those times. All of these things affect our prayer life and affect how open we feel we can be with God when we pray.

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