Monday, March 30, 2009

The What of Prayer: Daily Needs

“Give us this day our daily bread,” Jesus taught us to pray.  It is natural to pray for our needs, to offer thanksgiving for our food and shelter, for our health, for our safety.  And we quickly learn how to pray for things that we need: for healing when we are sick, for protection when we travel, for a job (or a better job) when we can’t meet our bills.

Some suggest that we use the term “needs” too loosely, and that often the things we need are just things that we want or expect.  We pray for the ability to pay for a new roof, forgetting how nice our house is in the first place.  We pray for physical healing, when often our spiritual sickness is far greater than our physical aches and pains.

So we should pray for God to open our eyes to our wants and needs, helping us to tell the difference.  But then we should freely pray for our needs and wants, asking God to provide for us generously, and thanking God for his abundant gifts to us.

Today's Prayer Prompt: Pray for your daily bread.  Give thanks for God’s blessings and ask for the things you desire and/or need.

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