Monday, March 23, 2009

The How of Prayer: Silent Meditation

Silent meditation, or centering prayer, is a way to find the quiet essence of our relationship with God.  The point is to slowly empty away all of our cares and anxiety until we reach a point of peaceful contemplation where we can listen for God's voice.

Imagine that you are a cup filled with liquid.  You can only hold so much.  As our lives fill up with the stress of responsibilities, guilt, regret, and other things, our cup is full and we can't add anything else -- good or bad -- to it.  We need to find a way to empty those things from our cup -- push them out of our mind -- so that we have space to hear from God.

Meditation is a process or emptying our cups and centering ourselves.  Find a peaceful place with no distractions.  Close your eyes.  See what thoughts enter your consciousness.  Don't fight thoughts -- that only creates more stress; simply allow them to enter and then leave your mind.  Eventually your mind will clear, allowing an open conversation with God.  Invite God into that space.

Today's Prayer Prompt: Find some uninterrupted time today to meditate in a quiet place.

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