Thursday, March 26, 2009

The How of Prayer: In Other's Words

Sometimes we struggle to find the words when we pray.  And sometimes we're scared to pray the words that we do find, especially in tough times.

While it is good to learn how to pray openly with God in all circumstances, including the times when we don't know what to say to God, it is also good to use other people's prayers.  There are collections of prayer books and prayers on the Internet that we can incorporate into our prayers.  These prayers can not only guide us, but they can offer us comfort.

If you don't have some prayer books in your personal library, you should invest in a couple.  And when you seem to have trouble finding the words, or when you just think that your prayer life seems a little flat, open these books and use them.

Today's Prayer Prompt: Begin your prayer with a prayer written by someone else, either from a book or one you find on the Internet.

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