Monday, March 2, 2009

The Who of Prayer: God

Perhaps the most striking part of prayer, considering God's wisdom and God's power throughout the universe, is that God cares to communicate directly with us at all. God could act like a mighty king or corporate executive and only talk to certain people, and God could choose to speak to those people at only certain times.

But all of the evidence of scripture suggests that God wants individual relationships with each of us, and that He welcomes any opportunity to reach out to us and to draw us closer to Him. God not only allows for prayer, but desires it.

God cares what we think and feel, even as God tries to give us new understanding of the world in which we live, even as God subtly works to transform us into better people who think nobler thoughts and feel more love. God loves us and wants the best for us, so God listens to us and speaks to us, giving us many opportunities for growth.

Today's Prayer Prompt: Think about who you are praying to today. As part of your prayer, tell God "thank you" for listening and caring, and pray for God to work in your life to transform you.

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