Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Where of Prayer: Outside

Spring arrives officially by week's end, but the changing seasons have been apparent in the last couple of weeks. As the days are longer and the temperatures are warmer, we tend to find lots of excuses to spend time outside. We take walks, or at least linger on our way to and from the mailbox. We sit on the porch or look out the window more. We may even take the long way home from work or other places.

Sometimes this is just an excuse for us to enjoy some warm sunshine after a cold winter. Deep down, though, we feel a connection to something larger than ourselves when we see the sun shining through the trees and glistening on the budding flowers. Looking around at the created world, we see God's handiwork and are reminded of God's care for us in a palpable way.

Majestic mountains and shining waters have long inspired thoughts of God, especially in the Psalms. Look around you for places of beauty and comfort, whether it is a forest trace or a manicured lawn, beside still waters or on a windswept canyon top. As you breath fresh air and feel the wind on your face, find ways to pray to God.

Today's Prayer Prompt: Take a walk today. Along your way, find a quiet spot and pray.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Josh, you must have consulted the weather before this post. What a perfect day for this assignment!! I hope everyone got outside sometime today.