Friday, March 20, 2009

The Where of Prayer: Walking

Prayer does not always require silence and stillness. Instead, we must learn to pray throughout the day, wherever we happen to be. One way to accomplish this is to learn to pray while you're walking from place to place (preferably with your eyes open).

Imagine that when you walk from your car into work, you have just enough time for a quick conversation with God -- similar to one of the many conversations you probably have with your spouse or other loved one during the day. Say what's on your mind -- good and/or bad. As the day continues, say quick prayers for those you meet during the day.

If you're finding it particularly difficult to pray and walk at the same time, you should probably practice at home for a while. Find a hallway where you can walk back and forth. Pray one sentence each direction -- walk however slowly you need to in order to do this. As you get more comfortable, speed up your walk until you are walking at your normal pace and you can easily look where you are going. Then you are ready to try praying and walking at the same time again in public.

Today's Prayer Prompt: The first time today that you think of God while you are walking today, pray the Lord's Prayer.

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